
Volume and complexity of orders was outpacing curing system’s capacity


Managing thousands of custom products on an ecommerce solution was a time consuming task, low-code integrations could not handle data with human error resulting in constant process failures and lack of reporting.


Built a Shopify eCommerce site to manage bulk buying of custom goods that also supported physical retail store locations. Automated launching products and integrated Shopify with a modern ERP.

Key Outcomes and Metrics

  • Automated product launches using meta data & images
  • Tied Shopify and ERP SKUs together with capacity for 1000 new SKUs per day
  • Automated orders from sales to fulfillment and reporting
  • Obtain #1 organic search position for popular items
  • Re-themed to target 80% mobile usage
“What used to take us 20-minutes, now takes 20-seconds. This activity was repeated 60 times a day so the time/cost savings is huge.” – CEO, Small Manufacturer

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